Targeted resource characterization and planning
Developing technology to de-risk subsurface development projects
Original collaborative research to solve the energy industry's greatest challenges

We believe geothermal is part of the foundation for a sustainable clean energy future.

De-risking exploration
Prolonging asset life and resource production
Optimizing asset profitability and revenue generation
Developing innovative power systems
Opening new markets and novel subsurface use cases

TEVERRA offers a holistic geothermal energy characterization and utilization resource, from greenfield exploration and geothermal system conceptual and numerical modeling, through to reserves calculation and power system design.
TEVERRA has experience in each development phase across:
Sedimentary basin geothermal exploration, and
Low, medium, and high temperature resources worldwide.
TEVERRA has experience collating diverse datasets to perform geothermal play fairway analysis as the first step in an exploration and development plan. Extensive experience with global datasets at the regional and development field scale gives TEVERRA the unique capabilities to recognize geologic differences and adapt processing workflows during these early stages of exploration.
Geothermal Resource Exploration and Well Planning
​Geothermal play fairway analysis identifies high priority geothermal exploration targets, which TEVERRA uses to develop a detailed exploration plan with data collection campaigns, geothermal market analysis, and thermal gradient exploration drilling. Detailed data collection culminates in a field scale geothermal system conceptual model that leads to the development of a preliminary numerical model and production well targeting.
Geothermal Reserves Calculation and Power System Design
Once a project is at the production well drilling stage, the TEVERRA team provides well placement and well design, and after drilling, production test analysis and refinement of the geothermal system numerical and conceptual model. At this stage, final reserves calculations are made utilizing production test data and the geothermal system development goes to the power systems design phase.
Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) development capabilities
Maximizing heat production, optimizing EGS development design, and predicting reservoir performance are solutions we offer for EGS development.
TEVERRA is the industry leader in developing field-scale 4D Coupled Hydro-thermo-mechanical models for geothermal projects to optimize EGS design, predict reservoir performance, and maximize heat production. These models accurately couple subsurface in-situ stresses and rock properties with temperature and fluid flow regimes in complex geometries by utilizing high performance computing and reduced-order modeling.
Oil and gas wells to geothermal conversion capabilities
TEVERRA has developed a well screening tool specifically for selecting the appropriate petroleum wells to convert to geothermal electricity or heat. ConvertDeck takes input data associated with well design, reservoir properties, historical production, existing infrastructure, financial metrics, and more, and quantifies the potential power production and calculates cost and economic value of the geothermal resource.
ConvertDeck analyzes the geothermal production for both electricity and direct-use (heating/cooling) opportunities while also examining the local utilization market potential. The tool can be used in two ways. It can identify wells that will achieve pre-determined financial requirements given the input data, or it can identify potential use case scenarios and then estimate the economic value of the different scenarios. This decreases evaluation time by combining expert analysis from multiple disciplines into one intuitive platform. Decreasing evaluation time produces faster and more cost-effective analysis.
ConvertDeck™ Benefits:
​​​Reduces the hydrocarbon-to-geothermal well conversion evaluation study time
Increases well conversion profitability by increasing the understanding of the opportunity
Contains over 100 unique parameters to calculate an accurate estimate of the geothermal economic potential
De-risks conversion project by identifying the most profitable projects
Designed for quick repeat screening to analyze multiple end use scenarios
Prevents overly conservative valuations

Offshore geothermal capabilities
We are on the cutting edge of research as the geothermal market continues to expand.
Offshore hydrocarbons are the lowest carbon intensity hydrocarbons produced worldwide. As such, continued offshore production should continue as part of a net-zero energy company strategy and further opportunities to decarbonize offshore hydrocarbon production should be continually examined. One such opportunity is offshore geothermal energy production that can be co-located with existing hydrocarbon production. Offshore platforms can be assets that provide petroleum companies an opportunity to decrease the cost of decarbonization efforts by using this existing infrastructure for geothermal energy production. Drilling geothermal wells from existing platforms re-utilizes the existing platform and then could optimize wells to be more productive. TEVERRA has experience performing offshore resource assessments and designing innovative powerplant systems that optimize power production offshore. We have performed such assessments in the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, West Africa, and the MENA region.
Power Systems Advisement
TEVERRA partners with leading geothermal experts to design fit-for-purpose power systems from modular, kW scale power generation up to MW power plant design. We have experience designing both electrical power production and direct-use heat utilization systems. In a power systems advisory role, we analyze all potential power systems and use cases, meaning we are conversion technology agnostic and can provide the best system for the associated geothermal resource. Our team includes creative thinkers that provide unique solutions that optimize power utilization and minimize utilization cost.

Geothermal Mentorship and Training
Knowledge transfer is a core tenant to our business mission and training workshops were the original product offerings of TEVERRA. TEVERRA shares geothermal expertise through training and mentorship, offered as individual classes or as a component of larger projects. Knowledge transfer is a suggested component with our geothermal projects to enhance competency for oil companies. Through this, we aim to equip our clients for future geothermal exploration and production.
Geothermal exploration is similar to hydrocarbon exploration in many ways; although there are important and significant differences that have to be learned. The TEVERRA geothermal team has developed 1-day to 5-day short courses on geothermal basics, geothermal exploration, and power systems design. These courses have been taught to all experience levels including industry professionals, government personnel, students, and educators. These courses were developed and based on decades of academic research, industry experience, and teaching expertise.

Subsurface Energy Storage
Earth is the most reliable and long-lasting battery. The subsurface can be heated and used as a medium for thermal energy storage. Synthetic Geothermal Reservoirs (SGR) use the subsurface as a medium for the storage of heat collected in concentrated solar collectors to reliably produce on-demand electrical power using the recovered heat.
Sedimentary systems are well suited for hosting these thermal energy storage systems.
The Concept:
Multiple wells drilled into a known high-permeability zone.
Solar-heated hot water is injected into the subsurface to be stored and produced later during high electricity demands.
Cooled water is recovered from power generation cycle and injected back into a cold reservoir or used for solar-heating.

Net-zero carbon is not a dream

Our solutions evaluate viability of permanent CO2 storage by understanding the direct correlation with the reservoir integrity and how it evolves in addition to identifying and mitigating possible risks.
Converting Earth to a safe and permanent storage for CO2
Enabling real-time monitoring and visualization of CO2 plume is our focus
Our advanced signal processing and artificial intelligent capabilities enable smart and timely decision making which is the key in safe CO2 sequestration process
We are developing an award-winning and intuitive platform for subsurface visualization
The key to the effective injection of CO2 into the subsurface formations, including depleted oil and gas reservoirs for EOR, is a detailed characterization of the formation properties, in-situ stresses, natural fractures network, seal capacity of cap rock, and formation pressure. This is our expertise at TEVERRA.
Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting (MVA) to confirm permanent storage of CO2 in geological formations is a significant cost component of any carbon storage campaign and necessary for its success. TEVERRA is researching automated and low-cost MVA solutions to advance carbon storage toward commercialization by providing a reliable and real-time control option over the reservoir and reducing the associated costs.
Successful storage of CO2 in geological formations relies on accurate knowledge of the subsurface state of stress and its evolution during and after injection to guarantee safe and permanent storage of CO2. Cost effective but accurate estimation of in-situ stresses independent from scarcely available logs is a true gamechanger for geomechanical modeling for not only carbon storage but also oil and gas and geothermal applications.

Focusing on lowering the carbon impact for traditional hydrocarbons: Unlocking locked reserves: Drilling un-drillables, and predicting un-predictables, Saving millions of dollars for your assets
Drilling and production from deepwater and HPHT fields are among the most challenging operations in the conventional oil and gas industry. Due to significantly higher pressure and temperature, as well as a narrow mud weight window, safe drilling, completion, and production from these resources require advanced knowledge of the subsurface and cutting-edge technologies. TEVERRA’s personnel have extensive experience in modeling and designing deepwater and HPHT operations in the Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, offshore Africa, Pakistan, and the Caspian Sea.
We believe production from unconventional resources requires unconventional thinking
At TEVERRA, we pay special attention to the optimized development of unconventional resources. We are proud of our efficient contributions to the development of shale gas and tight gas resources in the UK and Pakistan. After completing an extensive experimental study on the Vaca Muerta shale, TEVERRA has gained significant knowledge to help operators in Argentina develop their shale assets more efficiently and economically
UK Bowland Shale Gas project
Tight gas project in Pakistan
Our Frac tip screen-out prediction product

Our goal is to illuminate the subsurface and mitigate the inherent risks
In TEVERRA, we are taking Geomechanics to a higher level. We believe a new generation of geomechanical characterization, modeling approaches, and tools are needed to maximize value of Geomechanics for oil and gas, geothermal, carbon storage, and subsurface energy storage use cases. Our world-class team provides services and solutions to a full spectrum of geomechanics problems in subsurface applications:
1 to 4-D geomechanical modeling coupled with reservoir, fluid flow, and thermal simulations.
Geomechanics without logs (Drilling Dynamics Geomechanics, DDG)
Postmortem modeling analysis
Working towards real-time modeling
Direct in-situ stress measurement (DFISS)
Pore pressure prediction and caprock integrity
Wellbore stability and casing design
Reservoir performance prediction and fault reactivation analysis
Optimization for safe hydraulic fracturing and preventing casing deformation
Microseismic analysis, prediction, and mitigation
Rock mechanics testing design and supervision
Geomechanics is a powerful tool to maximize the production of hydrocarbons or heat, minimize risk, and reduce development time and cost. We are proud to have saved millions of dollars and hundreds of operating days for our clients.
4D Coupled Geomechanical Modeling
TEVERRA develops state-of-the-art field-scale 3D geomechanical modeling to predict and optimize reservoir performance, whether there is a producing reservoir or a CO2 storage formation. Our models are capable of accurately modeling:
High temperature high pressure cases
Complex faults, fractures, and geologic formations
Depletion effect on stress field and rock permeability
Faults and fractures reactivation and induced seismicity (prediction and mitigation)
Stress and rock property evolution
In-fill drilling in complex operational conditions
​Our realistic 3D hydraulic fracturing modeling includes the effect of fracture toughness, near-wellbore stress concentration, natural fractures, and the presence of packers. It simulates stress shadowing, different proppant types, pumping schedule, flowback, and production.
Our frac design capability helps clients optimize well spacing and frac design to improve ultimate recovery and prevent frac-hits. This provides a more realistic estimation of induced fracture geometry and the involvement of natural fractures.
Geomechanics without Logs
TEVERRA has developed a disruptive technology, Drilling Dynamics Geomechanics (DDGTM), that enables estimation of geomechanical characteristics including rock mechanical properties, pore pressure, and in-situ stresses from drilling dynamics data only.
Availability of the required logs for geomechanics has always been a major challenge for the geomechanics community and also for the operators to pay the cost of additional logging. These logs are almost never available in the overburden formations and along horizontal wells preventing geomechanical modeling.
This advanced technology, that is based on combined signal processing and physics-informed machine learning, enables constructing geomechanical models from surface to the reservoir and along horizontal wells, thus, creating the opportunity to improve drilling operations, identify and mitigate casing deformation, and optimize completions and stimulation design.
DDG technology has been field tested in several onshore and offshore locations and the Utah FORGE geothermal site.
Major Projects Include:
Bowland Shale Gas, UK
Marcellus Shale, USA
Vaca Muerta Shale, Argentina
Naushahro Feroze Field, Pakistan
Gambat Field, Pakistan
Thang Long Field, Vietnam
Vibe-1 Well, Denmark
Preston New Road, UK
Lynch Block, Midland
Kandhkot Field, Pakistan
Hejre HPHT Field, Denmark
Siri, Nini, Cecile Fields, Denmark
Mjolner Field, Norway
Syde Arne Chalk Field, Denmark
Adhi Field, Pakistan
Barnett Shale, Texas
Thebe Field, NW Shelf Australia
Massa Field, Brazil
West Qurna, Iraq
Urdaneta Field, Venezuela
Bachaquero Field, Venezuela
Adorf Field, Germany

Leveraging digital innovation is at the heart of our processes and drives greater customer value
At TEVERRA, we care about amplifying the value of our customers’ resources and adapting to their evolving needs. Almost every product we are developing has a digital component built with the synergetic collaboration between our data scientists, software engineers, and subsurface experts. We deliver solutions to optimize drilling, completion, stimulation, and production operations through automatic extraction and interpretation of information embedded in noisy fields data from various sources. Our solutions include workflows, methodologies, software packages, and web applications, that leverage advanced signal processing, machine learning tools, and cloud computing technologies. We integrate physics modelling and data-driven approaches to provide informed and accurate decisions in different subsurface operational problems:
Big data compression and transmission
Real-time subsurface monitoring and visualization
Geomechanics characterization using drilling dynamics data
Real-time rock physical modeling using seismic and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data
Naturally fractured zone identification
Lost circulation forecasting and mitigation
Tip screen-out prediction
Anomaly detection and risk identification
At TEVERRA, we continue to work on and launch new digital functionalities and customized products to fit our customers’ needs. We are first adopters of new scientific findings and this drives many of our technological advances.