TEVERRA recently had the privilege of participating in the SPE Permian Basin Energy Conference (PBEC) in Midland, Texas, alongside industry leaders, including Sara B. Davis. The event brought together professionals to discuss challenges facing operators in the Permian Basin, such as:
Induced seismicity
Water management
Underperforming completions
Expected power shortages
TEVERRA showcased its cutting-edge Drilling Dynamics Geomechanics (DDG) technology, which provides high-resolution geomechanical modeling using drilling dynamics data—without requiring well logs. This solution addresses critical risks, including wellbore instability, casing deformation, and suboptimal completions, delivering innovative and reliable results for the energy industry.
Learn More About DDG Technology
At TEVERRA, we remain committed to providing advanced solutions for subsurface challenges. Our DDG technology helps optimize subsurface performance, reduce risks, and enhance operational efficiency.
For more information, contact us at info@teverra.com or visit www.teverra.com.